Trinity Japan: Dominic Lieven “The Ukrainian crisis: the view of an imperial historian”, video talk and discussion (17 March 2022)
All Trinity members – Fellows, Past Fellows, students, alumni very welcome
On Thursday 17 March 2022 at 8pm (Tokyo time), 11am (London/Cambridge time) Professor Dominic Lieven, Historian and Honorary Fellow of Trinity, has very kindly agreed to join us for a video presentation and discussions on “The Ukrainian crisis: the view of an imperial historian”.
Prior registration required until Wednesday 16 March 2022, please register using the feedback form at the bottom of this page. All Trinity members, Fellows, students, alumni are very welcome – if you join Trinity in Japan for the first time, please briefly introduce yourself and your connection to Trinity. There is no fee.
Anonymous registrations are not accepted.
We will upload the recording to the Trinity in Japan Youtube Channel – by participating you agree to the upload of the recording to websites and social media:
The meeting will be on ZOOM on Thursday 17 March 2022 as follows (we will have no in-person meeting this time):
- 8pm (Tokyo time)- event starts (London/Cambridge: 11am)
- 8:15pm – 9:15pm Professor Dominic Lieven “The Ukrainian crisis: the view of an imperial historian”
- 9:15pm – follow-on discussions
If you have questions for the discussion with Professor Lieven, the best will be if you could send me questions before hand by email, so I can moderate the discussion, or during the zoom discussion in the chat box.
Professor Dominic Lieven, Trinity Honorary Fellow and Emeritus Fellow
Dominic Lieven is Honorary Fellow and Emeritus Fellow of Trinity
College Cambridge, Fellow of the British Academy, and Honorary
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Dominic Lieven was Distinguished Professor in International History at the London School of Economics LSE, 1978-2011.
- London School of Economics, Former Distinguished Professor in International History (1978-2011)
- Professor Lieven, London School of Economics (LSE), Visiting Professor at LSE, Department of International History
- Professor Lieven, Chair of the Paulsen Programme (currently suspended) at the LSE
- And here, Dominic Lieven on “The European Crisis” in Nikkei
Professor Dominic Lieven’s recent book Towards the Flame: Empire, War and the End of Tsarist Russia was selected as FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR 2015, and was awarded the Pushkin House Prize – watch interviews with Professor Dominic Lieven here.
Professor Lieven’s recent book “Russia against Napoleon. The Battle for Europe, 1807 to 1814“, won the Wolfson History Prize and the Annual Prize of the Fondation Napoléon.
Here are some more of Professor Dominic Lieven’s works
- “In the shadow of the gods. The emperor in world history” (to be published on 7 June 2022)
- Empire: The Russian Empire and Its Rivals (Yale Nota Bene)
- Nicholas II: Twilight of the Empire
- Towards the Flame: Empire, War and the End of Tsarist Russia
- The End of Tsarist Russia: The March to World War I and Revolution
- Russia Against Napoleon: The True Story of the Campaigns of War and Peace
- The Cambridge History of Russia: Volume 2, Imperial Russia, 1689–1917
- The Aristocracy in Europe 1815-1914
- 帝国の興亡〈上〉―グローバルにみたパワーと帝国
- 帝国の興亡〈下〉―ロシア帝国とそのライバル
- ニコライ2世―帝政ロシア崩壊の真実
Professor Dominic Lieven – youtube
Registration and enquiries:
All Trinity members, Fellows and students globally are very welcome to pre-register, and I will send a registration link if there are still places available.
Photo rights notice
photo rights dominic lieven
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Date 26 February 2020
Source International Festival of Evangelical Culture «Epiphany nights» in St-Petersburg at 4:26, cropped, brightened
Author Крещенские Вечера
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